Brian Weaver


Brian Weaver


Brian Weaver

Business and Executive Coach

Strong businesses run on passion and integrity are the engine to a sustainable, vibrant community. I embrace the Servant Leadership ethos, leading elite teams for over 25 years, first as a Naval Officer and then as a corporate executive.

I graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a BS in Ocean Engineering and later earned my MBA from the Mays School at Texas A&M. Through the years I’ve led global businesses, ran sales, service, and operations teams, managed global projects, and developed leaders.

That experience and passion for developing clear, executable strategic vision and strong organizations led to my coaching focus. I partner with owners and executives to help them maximize their profits, minimize waste, and regain control of their lives by focusing on four critical areas:

Time: Personal and business accountability is essential to chart growth. I coach on time management and understanding business processes to optimize your day-to-day operations.

Team: Human resources form the backbone of any business. Through our expert guidance and advanced behavioral assessments, you’ll learn how to empower people by learning how to motivate and inspire them.

Money: It isn’t just about raw numbers, it’s about margins. Expense reduction and revenue growth complement each other - I provide expert guidance on both.

Future: I help you get clarity on your goals and strategic vision, whether it’s building your legacy through leadership succession planning for continued growth or properly positioning your company for sale so you can exit and retire comfortably.

You can work less. You can earn more. You can be the one in control. All it takes is a guiding hand.

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